Saturday, January 24, 2009

"Only 5"....with a giggle.

Pod was packed up..hey, I know what I did...
I'm newly satisfied with attaining 5 miles.
Was super psyched when hitting 6's multiple times in the last few weeks.
I just have to push through to five and whatever happens, happens.

Set points piss me off.

Mileage set points (remembering the 1980's and running...JEEEZ..a ten mile R U N was nothing!!.....)
Weight set points....will never cease to amaze me. Getting in said multiple days of 6 plus miles and very healthy eating yields me a few pounds....but NOT what I expected.
Eating a little "more" on off days (still healthy foods choices)...with hardly any exercise yields a bigger loss...

Would have loved to get into this for research 15-20 years ago before the fattening up of America really took hold. I could have been "rich, wealthy, financially secure with a mansion and a yacht!"

Off to soak foot....freaking PF is acting up....I do not want another shot!

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