Thursday, April 16, 2009 least...

Hey, at least I hiked.
Took another hike, nice trail.
Picked up two ticks. How lovely....
It is odd walking on loose footing is unsteady.
Save for the ticks, it was a nice walk.
Going to step it up tomorrow.
It was last year I was setting things up for WLS....Jeez...I would have been at least 6 months out by now....I can do this myself.....I know I can.

Monday, April 13, 2009 the work!!'s nearly 8 pm. We have just finished eating.
Got home at 4:45. Lots of people don't even GET home at 4:45 and are able to fit in exercise!
Man, when I am going good I am the epitome of the fitness guru.
I know what to do. I know why to do. I know when to do and for how long.....
I am just not doing it!
I just have to do the work.
Finishing his taxes tonight so tomorrow I will not have any excuse.
Woke up again at 4 am and intended on going to the gym.
We'll see if it happens tomorrow morning.
See, right there.....there should not be a we'll see...there should be a: I WILL wake up at 4 am and go to the gym before work.

Saturday, April 11, 2009


I not not cut people a break when I see/hear about them being slack asses.
I actually hate that trait......BUT why the hell can't I nip it in the bud when it is ME being the slacker?
Haven't walked all week.
Went hiking last was great.
INTENDED to go again since I now knew the trail, every day after work.
This has been such a busy time at work. Why people rush to get surgery before major holidays is beyond me (except for the kids being off). Who the heck wants to be in recovery mode when you are either going to have company or are expected to BE company??!!
So, the business, the drive back, the me feeling like a zombie all made me NOT GO TO THE TRAIL ONE FUCKING TIME!!
Not only did I not walk...the freaking treadmill is in my living looks at mocks me I know it....
Here's the kicker...I KNOW I feel better, SO MUCH better and have so much energy during the weeks I am exercising...
Does this get me up? NO!
I hate this.....


Sunday, April 5, 2009

Insomnia again

There have been stretches in the last few weeks where I have not slept for more than 30 hours.
Fri/Sat was the last episode.
I just woke up after about 4-5 hours of sleep.
My head hurt so badly before I finally went out last night.
The nausea coupled with the funk makes you want to die.
The headache I have is a killer.