Monday, April 13, 2009 the work!!'s nearly 8 pm. We have just finished eating.
Got home at 4:45. Lots of people don't even GET home at 4:45 and are able to fit in exercise!
Man, when I am going good I am the epitome of the fitness guru.
I know what to do. I know why to do. I know when to do and for how long.....
I am just not doing it!
I just have to do the work.
Finishing his taxes tonight so tomorrow I will not have any excuse.
Woke up again at 4 am and intended on going to the gym.
We'll see if it happens tomorrow morning.
See, right there.....there should not be a we'll see...there should be a: I WILL wake up at 4 am and go to the gym before work.

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