Saturday, October 24, 2009

The game was postponed so we went to the gym!
Worked on arms, now they hurt.
Only walked two miles this morning. Steep incline between 5-8!!
Would like to see some more BIG numbers on the Omron.
If my arms don't fall off, I will walk on incline again in the morning.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Blender Bottle......again iHerb coupon code KOB531

I seem to "lose" my Blender Bottles all of the time.
I actually wind up giving them away when friends see me using them.
Went to iHerb to get some more and saw that the sale price on the small 12 oz. was gone. It is now $6.99 Using a new customer coupon code KOB531 still gets you $5 off. $1.99 is still a great deal.
I will just show friends the iHerb site and keep my remaining Blender Bottles.