Sunday, January 25, 2009


One of my Nike+ goals for the month of January was to make 100 miles.
I am 46-47 miles short and have 7 days until the end of the month.
No travelling this week so there will be no off days.
It'll be'll be OK.....why does this panic me? They're MY goals.....they are attainable with hard work...and although it is wonderful reaching them, no one is going to die if I don't make it....but I know I'll push....
Logical angel must stick around with me...the knee is screaming.
Called Joe, walking is OK....really.
Am I the only one who gets upset when I don't have the bright yellow (or whatever color it is) smiley on the Omnron data tracker next to my steps/miles/aerobic goals?
Is this the negative part about being Type A?
I wonder if the cortisol coursing through my veins with this quasi panic is negated by the NE rush I get after exercising? I'm probably rusting from the inside out.
I really thought I would be celebrating by now. Either post op or having "done it myself". "I got this" I think most of the time...then there will be a span of 3 days off.....then I get pissed. Just do it....right Nike?

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