Monday, January 21, 2008

Freeeezing! and skaters!

Man, it is cold!
I know, I know, it's JANUARY!
I hate the cold. To think I almost moved to Alaska for a job in the early 90's.
I remember them sending a video of life around Denali. In the video they showed school children playing outside and mentioned "the kids don't go outside during recess unless it is over 19 BELOW zero".
Afterall, it's a dry cold!

Still waiting for the treadmill.
Have walked outside but truthfully it has been to the mailbox and back. Too cold!

Ok, I do NOT want to be "THAT NEIGHBOR" but 3p.m. and I hear roaring, whooting, and rolling outside. The neighborhood kids have apparently set up a skateboarding ramp, in the street, just outside my driveway! Aside from the noise, which I can tolerate, they are falling off the boards and when they come crashing into my truck, or onto my property I will have to shove a skateboard up some tush!
It's not bad enough they are close enough to bother me, they are using my absent neighbors' driveway to get their momentum. Now who is responsible when the little punks get hurt in their driveway?
There is a play area PLUSWHICH the kids have a common area BEHIND their townhomes.
Man, I'm getting grumpy.

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