Monday, May 26, 2008

Common theme, a decade

I'll often write, ponder, wonder aloud...."where did I go"?
It's quite a question huh?
I've been stalled for...let me see, a DECADE!
A decade, a DECADE....hmmm.....what the fuck happened a DECADE ago!?
Life went to SHIT ten years ago.....I know what happened...only a few others do.....
Thought I was stronger then to allow myself a tumble downhill.

Sometimes I look at the sky with a tear in my eye.........
She would have been beautiful, smart, funny and athletic.
The Maybabies are all growing up.
I wonder sometimes where we would all be now.
Would Mike and I have made it?
I don't see myself in Florida. It's bad enough visiting. I don't like Florida at all.
I don't think I would have ever started in the OR. I know I wouldn't have been on the TP team. The travel isn't for moms of small kids.
I never would have met Marty which would probably have been a good thing.

Good news though....I'm coming back....I can see me..really....I'm right there.......

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