Tuesday, February 10, 2009

What the hell?

I "only" walked 4.25 miles today.....was doing well.
I have a hookup to plug my Ipod into the treadmills speakers....I do so at about 4 miles.....I don't hear any sound...I fiddle with the wires....nothing, then I hear Lance telling me I have so many meters left...still, no music.
I then replug my Ipod earbuds into the Ipod and notice that the odometer/pedometer/timer functions of the Nike+ readout weren't moving.....CRAP...
I fiddled with the sensor....nothing.
I rebooted the Ipod and then tried to find my data.
It is not saved I guess.....wahhhhh....
Now, I KNOW what I did but I am being very conscious about logging everything....

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