Sunday, July 6, 2008


New day, new week...keep on keepin' on.
Loads to do. Need to get on the Cardio's back regarding getting my precertification for the Thallium Stress test.
Totally forgot to make the psych appointment. I'll call tomorrow.
My surgeons office has a Psych who comes in and gives the evaluation. Hey! Whatever works.
The Dell crapped out on me when I was in Myrtle.
I have tried to reload Windows at least four times.
We wiped out the hard drive and tried all the tricks of the trade.
This is when it is advantageous to have Marty be in the field. He wasn't, however, able to fix it.
Off to Dell in the mail.
Pisses me off that a brand new computer does this. It's a machine's supposed to work.
If the computer age happened during our parents young adulthood you KNOW they would be workhorses...and would last for YEARS!
Everything is made like crap anymore.
Body has made a new setpoint which is nice.
A long weekend of not so careful eating has not caused me to gain weight.
Now it's time to turn things up and get down another ten.

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