Thursday, June 18, 2009

!#$^*$% SPLENDA!! It's everywhere!

Double FUC@!

Was grocery shopping and getting everything in line for conscious eating this weekend.
Lots of greens, lean meat, snacks....HEALTHY, or at least healthier snacks.
One thing I bought last week which was okay was the new Kellogg's Special K crackers in the multi grain flavor.
They are much smaller than the picture on the box (of course).
They made a nice pairing with a few slices of Monterrey Jack cheese.
120 calories for 24 crackers or 90 calories for 17.
I also got the revered Emerald cocoa dusted almonds!!
Well, I am penning this blog because I have a HORRIBLE stomach upset....with bloat and the D word....
"What on Earth'? I thought.
Looked over the labels again carefully.....last week or the week before I found something in my mini-wheats which made me sick...anyway.....
The nuts have SUCRALOSE in them...AKA the deadly (to my stomach) SPLENDA!
Why on Earth would this otherwise wonderful snack be ruined by that crap?
I still am in the minority (of the people I ask) with the tummy trouble with Splenda but is really bad....and PAINFUL!
So....the nuts are a no-no...too bad because they tasted great!
I'll try roasting my own and sprinkle with either cocoa alone or cocoa and turbinado sugar.



Bobby said...

Your right and it sucks!

Many people don't get any symptoms at all

Sucralose is poison. It ruined five years of my life. I had a laundry list of medical problems while taking it. I went to several doctors. I had a dozen different tests. I was told that I had a number of different problems. I was on different medication for many years.

The slogan, "Made from sugar..." is very misleading. Splenda might be made from sugar, but it is far from sugar. The resulting chemical is a class of chemicals called organochloride. Organochlorides are typically poisonous.

carbon monoxide - made from oxygen so its like a breath of fresh air.

Check out what others are saying

Check out organochlorides

Check out Duke University study

More interesting Links

Me said...

While I am not quick to believe the "scientist making insecticide licks fingers and finds it sweet" story I know that for me, Splenda is a PAINFUL accident waiting to happen after ingestion.
I do not like that so many so called "healthy" alternatives contain the stuff.
Hopefully your medical problems have resolved.