Sunday, June 7, 2009

Damn it "OL" to hell!

Had to scoot back to the apartment FAST....impending potty accident....WTF!?
Was having a great time outside on an otherwise beautiful Spring day then suddenly the gurgling....pain and worry about needing a bathroom.....
Got home, I'm accidents.
I'm pissed off because I had Frosted mini wheats (no milk) today and flavored seltzer...that's IT!!
What the hell?
Had I eaten anything else? Nope.
Did I have chewing gum with that shit in it? Nope.
I picked up the box of cereal and thank you very much, there it was....SORBITOL.
The "ols" and many artificial sweeteners cause me a good deal of gastric distress. I thought I was being careful. NEVER thought a breakfast cereal would have Sorbitol in it.
I ate this cereal several other times but already had Immodium onboard.....
CRAP!! (do NOT pardon the pun!!)
I loved that cereal. Great tasting, small crunchy more...Damn it all.
I've been to the bathroom three times in two hours and the pain is still there.
Took a shower and am waiting for it to be "safe" for me to go grocery shopping ('cause I am the only one who can grocery shop of course).
Pissy ending to a great afternoon.....

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